Nguồn ảnh:https://abc7chicago.com/videoClip/14568095/
The article from ABC7 Chicago reported on a heroic rescue mission carried out by LeRoy Craft, a 14-year-old boy from Texas. Craft saved his 93-year-old neighbor, Leona Burton, from a house fire that threatened her life. The brave teenager noticed smoke coming from Burton’s home and immediately sprang into action, breaking through a window to pull her to safety.
Craft’s quick thinking and selfless act of bravery have been lauded by the community and firefighters who arrived at the scene. Burton’s daughter, Thelma Newson, expressed her gratitude to Craft for his courageous actions, stating that her mother may not have survived without his intervention.
Craft humbly downplayed his actions, stating that he was just doing what he believed was the right thing to do. The young hero has since been hailed as a local hero, with many praising his bravery and selflessness in risking his own life to save another.
The heartwarming story of LeRoy Craft’s heroic rescue has touched the hearts of many, serving as a reminder of the power of kindness and courage in times of crisis. Craft’s actions have inspired others to look out for their neighbors and lend a helping hand when needed.