Nguồn ảnh:https://www.kvue.com/article/news/history/history-of-dams-in-austin/269-a8c54cb0-2394-49bb-87e7-94eeaac5a2d0
The news story based on the article is as follows:
The history of dams in Austin has played a crucial role in shaping the city’s development and economy over the years. One of the most notable dams is the Mansfield Dam, built in the 1940s to help control flooding along the Colorado River and provide water and hydroelectric power to the region.
Another important dam is the Tom Miller Dam, constructed in the 1940s as well to create Lake Austin and provide water for the city. The Longhorn Dam was built in the 1960s to create Lady Bird Lake and provide recreational opportunities for residents and visitors.
These dams have not only helped to control flooding and provide water and power to the area, but they have also become iconic landmarks in the city. With their rich history and importance to the community, the dams in Austin continue to be an integral part of the city’s landscape and future development.