Nguồn ảnh:https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/04/06/leonard-greene-mtas-money-grubbing-plan-to-charge-nyc-marathon-group-for-bridge-toll-was-off-track/
MTA’s Money-grubbing plan to charge NYC Marathon group for bridge toll was off track
Leonard Greene
NY Daily News
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s plan to charge the New York City Marathon group for a bridge toll was quickly derailed, thanks to the common sense of lawmakers who saw through the money-grubbing scheme.
The MTA had been considering charging the group for the use of a bridge, even though the event pumps millions into the city’s economy.
The original plan was to charge the New York Road Runners, which oversees the marathon, for the use of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. But thanks to quick action by lawmakers, the plan was scrapped before it could get off the ground.
“The New York City Marathon is a world-class event that brings in visitors from all around the globe,” said State Sen. Diane Savino.. “Charging these organizers for the use of a bridge would have been penny-wise and pound-foolish.”
The New York City Marathon is one of the biggest events in the city, drawing thousands of runners and spectators every year. The event is a major economic driver, with participants spending millions on hotels, restaurants, and other local businesses.
MTA officials did not respond to requests for comment, but sources say the plan was quickly abandoned after lawmakers raised concerns about the negative impact it would have on the city and its residents.
In the end, the MTA’s money-grubbing plan was off track, thanks to the swift action of lawmakers who saw through the scheme and put an end to it before it could do any real harm.