Nguồn ảnh:https://www.silive.com/news/2024/04/bed-bugs-in-nyc-500-buildings-reported-pests-so-far-this-year-which-borough-has-the-most.html
The article “Bed bugs in NYC: 500 buildings reported pests so far this year, which borough has the most?” reported that the number of buildings in New York City with reported bed bug infestations has reached 500 so far this year. According to the report, the borough of Manhattan has the highest number of reported bed bug cases, followed by Queens and Brooklyn.
The article also highlighted the importance of taking preventative measures to avoid bed bug infestations, such as regularly cleaning and inspecting homes for signs of bed bugs. It also emphasized the need for residents to report any suspected bed bug infestations to the appropriate authorities so that they can be addressed promptly.
The article serves as a reminder for New Yorkers to remain vigilant and proactive in dealing with bed bug infestations to ensure the health and safety of their homes and communities. The city’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development is working with residents to address the issue and provide information on how to prevent bed bug infestations in the future.