Nguồn ảnh:https://houstonagentmagazine.com/2024/04/25/rentcafe-5000-build-to-rent-units-houston/
The article reported that RentCafe has identified Houston as one of the top cities in the United States with a growing build-to-rent trend.
According to RentCafe’s data, Houston has seen a significant increase in build-to-rent units, with over 5,000 units built in the past few years. This trend is in line with the rising demand for single-family rental homes in the city.
RentCafe also highlighted Houston’s strong rental market, citing factors such as job growth, population growth, and affordability as contributing to the city’s appeal for renters.
The article noted that Houston’s build-to-rent trend is part of a larger national trend, with several other cities across the country also seeing an increase in build-to-rent units.
Overall, RentCafe’s data indicates that Houston is a prime market for build-to-rent properties, with a growing number of renters seeking out single-family homes for rent in the city.