Nguồn ảnh:https://governor.hawaii.gov/main/state-departments-combat-invasive-species-to-preserve-hawaiis-ecosystem/
The Hawaiian Department of Agriculture and the Department of Land and Natural Resources are working together to combat invasive species and protect Hawaii’s fragile ecosystem. Invasive species can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, damage native plants and animals, and pose a threat to human health.
The state agencies are implementing various programs and initiatives to control invasive species, such as conducting surveys and monitoring activities, removing invasive plants and animals, and educating the public about the importance of protecting Hawaii’s native species.
According to the article, Hawaii is home to various invasive species, including the little fire ant, coqui frog, miconia, and strawberry guava. These invasive species can have a negative impact on the environment and threaten the biodiversity of Hawaii’s ecosystems.
By working together to control invasive species, the state departments hope to preserve Hawaii’s unique ecosystem for future generations. The public is encouraged to report any sightings of invasive species and to help protect Hawaii’s native plants and animals.