Nguồn ảnh:https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/austin-council-land-code-ev-charging/269-b34f6a0f-8348-4754-8129-84c9f4273d62
The City of Austin has approved a new measure that requires all new homes and businesses to be equipped with electric vehicle charging stations. This decision is part of the city’s effort to encourage the use of electric vehicles and reduce carbon emissions.
The Austin City Council voted unanimously to update the land development code to include the requirement for EV charging infrastructure in new developments. This means that developers will now need to include charging stations in their plans in order to receive building permits.
Councilmember Leslie Pool, who proposed the measure, emphasized the importance of transitioning to electric vehicles in order to combat climate change. She pointed out that transportation is the largest source of carbon emissions in Austin, and increasing access to EV charging stations is a key step in reducing these emissions.
The new requirement is expected to have a significant impact on the city’s infrastructure and development plans. Developers will need to consider the cost and logistics of installing charging stations in their projects, and the city will need to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to support the growing number of electric vehicles on the road.
Overall, the decision to mandate EV charging stations in new developments is seen as a positive step towards a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future for Austin. Residents and business owners are encouraged to embrace electric vehicles as a cleaner and more efficient mode of transportation.