Nguồn ảnh:https://www.fox7austin.com/news/peta-activists-protest-austin-whole-foods
PETA protesters gathered outside a Whole Foods store in Austin on Monday, holding signs that read “Animal Liberation Now” and “Meat is Murder”. The activists were calling on the grocery chain to stop selling meat, dairy, eggs, and other animal products.
The protest was part of PETA’s ongoing campaign to promote veganism and end animal cruelty in the food industry. They urged Whole Foods customers to consider going vegan and opting for plant-based alternatives instead of supporting the meat and dairy industries.
PETA spokesperson Lisa Lange spoke to FOX 7 Austin, stating that “every animal raised for food on factory farms suffers immensely before they are slaughtered. We are asking Whole Foods to do the right thing and stop contributing to this needless suffering.”
Whole Foods has not yet responded to the protest, but the activists remain determined to continue their efforts to raise awareness about the ethical implications of consuming animal products.