Nguồn ảnh:https://neurosciencenews.com/heart-health-biologiccal-aging-26196/
The article talks about how the biological age of the heart can be measured using a simple blood test. This new research comes from the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2021.
According to the study, researchers can now analyze specific chemicals in the blood to determine the biological age of the heart. This is important because it can provide valuable information about a person’s risk of heart disease and help doctors tailor treatment plans accordingly.
The study found that individuals with a higher biological age of the heart were more likely to have cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks or strokes. This highlights the importance of monitoring heart health beyond just traditional risk factors like high blood pressure or cholesterol levels.
Overall, this new research offers a promising way to assess heart health and potentially improve outcomes for patients. It is an exciting development in the field of cardiology and could lead to more personalized and effective treatment strategies in the future.