Nguồn ảnh:https://www.businessinsider.com/norways-wealth-fund-vote-against-elon-musks-55bn-tesla-paycheck-2024-6
The article reports that the Norwegian wealth fund has voted against Elon Musk’s $55 billion paycheck. The fund, which is the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world, owns a significant amount of Tesla shares and disagreed with Musk’s massive compensation package.
The Norwegian wealth fund’s decision to vote against Musk’s paycheck is significant as it signifies a growing trend among investors to hold company executives accountable for their compensation packages. Musk’s proposed $55 billion paycheck is contingent on Tesla reaching several ambitious targets over the next decade.
This vote highlights the increasing scrutiny that executive pay is facing from investors and the public. Critics argue that such exorbitant compensation packages are not justified, especially when workers are struggling or when the company is not meeting its financial goals.
The Norwegian wealth fund’s decision may have an impact on Tesla’s compensation policies moving forward, as the fund’s substantial ownership stake in the company gives it significant influence. This vote serves as a reminder to companies and executives that they are being closely watched and held accountable for their actions.