Nguồn ảnh:https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/06/14/metro/opioids-overdose-boston-massachusetts-deaths/
The article reports on the increasing number of opioid overdoses and deaths in Boston and throughout Massachusetts. According to recent data, the state has seen a surge in opioid-related deaths, with fentanyl being the primary driver of the crisis. Despite efforts to curb the epidemic, the overdose rates continue to rise.
In Boston alone, there have been more than 290 opioid-related deaths in the past year, marking a significant increase from previous years. The city has been hit hard by the opioid crisis, with a rise in both fatal and non-fatal overdoses.
Officials are working diligently to address the crisis through initiatives such as increased access to treatment and harm reduction programs. However, the battle against opioid addiction remains a challenging one, as the drugs continue to claim lives at an alarming rate.
The article highlights the urgent need for more resources and support to combat the opioid epidemic in Massachusetts. As the death toll continues to climb, it is clear that a multi-faceted approach is required to tackle this public health crisis.