Nguồn ảnh:https://www.kvue.com/video/news/education/schools/austin-isd-tracking-to-cut-budget-deficit-in-half-by-june/269-783b2743-6c7f-4582-8b12-3e7eb069f7c1
The Austin Independent School District (AISD) is on track to slash its budget deficit in half by June, according to the latest financial report.
The district faced a projected $44 million deficit for the 2022-23 school year, but officials say they have been working hard to cut costs and increase revenue to bring that number down to around $22 million.
“We have made significant progress in reducing our budget deficit,” said AISD Chief of Business and Operation Nicole Conley. “We have implemented various cost-saving measures and strategies to help us reach our goal.”
Despite the progress, Conley stressed that more work needs to be done to ensure the district’s financial stability in the future. AISD is currently exploring other avenues to generate additional revenue and reduce expenses.
The district hopes to finalize its budget for the upcoming school year by June, taking into account the latest financial data and input from stakeholders. AISD officials are optimistic that they will be able to reach their target and continue providing quality education to students in Austin.