Nguồn ảnh:https://www.broadwayworld.com/washington-dc/regional/Civilizing-Lusby-3862129
The article “Civilizing Lusby” discusses the town of Lusby’s efforts to improve its infrastructure and become a more modern and attractive place to live.
The town of Lusby, located in Calvert County, Maryland, has embarked on a project to revitalize its community and make it a more appealing place for residents and visitors alike. The project, known as “Civilizing Lusby,” aims to improve the town’s infrastructure, enhance its public spaces, and attract new businesses and residents.
As part of the project, Lusby is investing in new sidewalks, lighting, and landscaping in order to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment. The town is also working on improving its parks and recreational facilities, with the goal of creating more opportunities for outdoor recreation and leisure activities.
Additionally, Lusby is actively seeking to attract new businesses to the area in order to boost economic growth and create job opportunities for residents. By partnering with local businesses and organizations, the town hopes to create a more vibrant and thriving community.
Overall, the “Civilizing Lusby” project reflects the town’s commitment to creating a more modern, attractive, and livable community for its residents. With improvements to infrastructure, public spaces, and economic opportunities, Lusby is well on its way to becoming a more desirable place to live and work.