Nguồn ảnh:https://www.seiu721.org/2024/04/sd-mayor-stands-with-ntt-faculty.php
The mayor of San Diego recently expressed support for a group of non-tenure track faculty members at National University. The faculty members are demanding better pay and benefits for their work.
The mayor attended a press conference with the faculty members to show his support for their cause. He praised their dedication to education and stressed the importance of fair compensation for all workers.
The faculty members have been negotiating with the university for several months but have yet to reach an agreement. They are calling for a living wage, healthcare benefits, and job security.
The mayor’s endorsement is a significant boost for the faculty members’ campaign. It sends a strong message to the university that their demands are justified and deserve to be met.
The faculty members are hopeful that the mayor’s support will help them achieve their goals and improve their working conditions. They are continuing to stand together in solidarity and fight for their rights.