Nguồn ảnh:https://sfist.com/2024/04/15/portola-festival-announces-its-2024-return-in-letter-promising-residents-they-wont-be-so-loud-this-time/
The Portola Festival has announced its return in 2024 after being canceled last year due to noise complaints from residents. In a letter sent to residents, the organizers of the festival promised to make changes to ensure that the event will not be as loud as before.
The festival, which celebrates the culture and diversity of the Portola neighborhood, is set to take place in May next year. Residents are invited to participate in the planning process and provide feedback on how to make the event more enjoyable for everyone.
The Portola Festival has been a long-standing tradition in the neighborhood, bringing together community members and showcasing local talent. With the promise of a quieter festival, organizers hope to mend relations with residents and make the event a success for years to come.