Nguồn ảnh:https://www.portlandmercury.com/opinion/2024/05/03/47186038/street-view-paying-for-the-pavement
Google Street View has become an invaluable tool for navigating the streets of both familiar and unfamiliar cities. However, have you ever stopped to think about the cost of maintaining and updating the maps that power this popular feature?
According to a recent article by Portland Mercury, cities across the United States are shelling out big bucks to ensure that Google Street View remains accurate and up-to-date. The article highlights the case of Portland, Oregon, where the city has spent $14 million over the past five years to keep its streets properly mapped.
The cost of maintaining Google Street View is no small feat, especially as cities continue to grow and change. From repaving roads to adding new bike lanes, there is a constant need for updates to keep the maps current.
While Google Street View is a convenient tool for many, it’s important to remember that someone has to foot the bill for all the work that goes into keeping it running smoothly. So the next time you use Street View to find your way around town, remember to appreciate the effort and resources that are required to make it all possible.